About us

Polish Road Safety Observatory (POBR) was established at Motor Transport Institute in 2013 through the European funds obtained from the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E).

Polish Road Safety Observatory focuses on collecting, analyzing, and disseminating data related to the most important road safety issues. The data are used, among other things, to evaluate the effectiveness of the undertaken actions, to create a sound road safety policy and to raise public awareness on road safety risks.

POBR Portal provides the Map of road accidents showing their location in selected areas and with adequate zoom places on the roads where accidents happened (Source: Police Database SEWIK – Accident and Collision Register). Depending on individual needs, you can get information for the whole of Poland, individual voivodships, counties, municipalities and cities. It is also possible to display detailed information about individual accidents.

When using the filter, it is possible to obtain map with location of particular group of accidents (such as e.g. the location of pedestrian hits by cars, in which the victims were elderly people).
In addition to the map, for a selected group of accidents, you can obtain tabular data sheets containing basic statistical data about the analysed area, data on accidents and victims within a given category, and analogous data for similar areas.


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