Accidents map

Map’ resources are for non-commercial use. For commercial use you need to obtain approval from Map Administrator by sending an application on:
User agrees to quote source of information: 
Motor Transport Institute – Polish Road Safety Observatory

Data on road accidents come from the Accident and Collision Register, the Polish General Headquarters (SEWiK). Motor Transport Institute is not responsible for errors within SEWiK. The map presented on the POBR website is for illustrative purposes only and cannot be used as a basis for any administrative or official activities.

Before using website of Polish Road safety Observatory you should first read and accept Terms of Use (link)Additional information how to use the Interactive Map of road accident are at the Portal’s start page, respectively: description of the Map’s functionality (link), basic definitions and terms used in the database (link), data sources (link).

The interactive map works in all popular and modern web browsers.
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